
Our flow-type microwave reactor users give their user experiences below.


  • 名前  Name
    Dr. Joshua Philip Barham
    所属  Institution
    Institute of Organic Chemistry
    Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
    Universität Regensburg
    現職名  Position
    Sofja Kovalevskaja Group Leader

略歴  Experience(ORCID


  1. 可視光を用いた有機合成
  2. フローケミストリーによる連続生産
  3. 遷移金属を使用しないカップリング反応

について研究を行っている。1)と2)の組み合わせとして、自作のLED照射フロー反応装置を用い、可視光を触媒に吸収させ、薬学的に有用な化合物の化学修飾反応の生産性を約1万倍向上させることに成功した。また、3)では、反応開始段階の反応機構を明らかにし、その成果を2016年3月に誌上発表以来、既に50回以上引用されている。以上の成果は、2017 Reaxys Worldwide PhD Prize※のWinners(541人の応募から3人)に選定されるなど、多くの受賞歴があり、その独創性は極めて高い評価を得ている。本分野の将来を担うことを期待された研究者である。2017年3月~2018年3月までNEDOの海外招へい研究者として、弊社のフロー型マイクロ波合成装置を用いて研究を行ってきた。2018年4月からもJSPS 特別研究員として、共同研究先である産業技術総合研究所にて弊社のフロー型マイクロ波合成装置を用いて研究を継続している。

He received a Ph.D in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, where he researched innovative organic synthesis towards sustainable manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). Topics included visible light photocatalysis, radical chemistry, electrochemistry and flow chemistry. Based within the Global API Process Chemistry department at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), he specialised in tools for reaction optimisation such as statistical modelling (DoE), parallel experimentation and automation.

http://inspiringchemistry.reaxys.com/phdprize#winners2017 [global site]
http://jp.elsevier.com/online-tools/reaxys/phdprize [日本語ページ]


Why do you use SAIDA’s reactor?
SAIDA’s reactor is a new commercial flow reactor which uses Microwave heating technology. This type of flow reactor is ideally suited to the safe operation of chemical reactions which, in batch, normally require elevated temperatures and extended reaction times.
What is the merit or strong point of SAIDA’s reactor compared to another reactors?
Firstly, whilst microwave-heated batch reactions are generally unsuited to scale-up, SAIDA’s reactor benefits from continuous flow technology. This allows high temperature reactions to be conducted in a controlled, scalable and safe manner. Uniform, autotunable microwave heating and flow processing mitigate the risks of thermal runaway and superheated hotspots, whilst the hazard is minimized due to the reacting volume being kept small at any one time.
Secondly, by virtue of microwave heating technology (rapid heating and cooling), SAIDA’s flow reactor can achieve stable, desired reaction temperatures faster than typical thermal flow reactors. This is particularly valuable to process chemists, since it expedites reaction optimisation (for example, accelerated data acquisition for Design of Experiments (DoE) analysis). In addition, the amount of material wasted during the interval periods is minimised.


Recommendation message for new customers
Comparing to a microwave batch reactor, in terms of control, safety and scalability; SAIDA’s microwave flow reactor is the superior choice. Furthermore, in its current state, SAIDA’s microwave flow reactor performs comparably with commercially available thermal flow reactors and exhibits fundamental, competitive advantages for elevated temperature chemical reactions.
I recommend SAIDA’s Microwave flow reactor to customers who are interested in safe and scalable operation of high temperature chemical processes and particularly to process chemists who are interested in rapid process optimisation.



  1. Elsevier Reaxys PhD Prize Winner, Shanghai (2017): “With submissions received from over 400 academic institutions worldwide, the Reaxys PhD Prize is the most important and recognised international Prize for young chemists. No other award will impact the development of a scientist like the Reaxys PhD Prize”. One of the 3 winners selected from 541 applicants for the 2017 Prize. (http://inspiringchemistry.reaxys.com/phdprize#winners2017)
  2. Taylor & Francis Prize at the 24th SCT Young Fellow Research Meeting, Paris (2017).
  3. Postdoctoral and Early Career Researcher Exchange (PECRE) Fellowship, Scottish Funding Council (2017).
  4. University of Strathclyde Gavin Forsyth Prize (2017): “For the most outstanding second year PhD performance in Organic Chemistry”.
  5. Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) Outstanding Poster Award (First Prize) at the 12th International Symposium on Organic Free Radicals, Shanghai (2016).
  6. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan Trust International Research Fellowship for 1 year of Resarch in Japan (2016).
  7. Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) for Britain Silver Medal for Chemistry, London (2016): “For the poster submitted at the SET for Britain Exhibition in the Physical Sciences (Chemistry) Section held at the House of Commons on Monday 7th March 2016”. (http://www.setforbritain.org.uk/2016winners.asp)
  8. Runner-up Prize at the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Young Chemist in Industry Symposium (2016).
  9. ‘Best Talk’ Prize at the 6th GSK/University of Strathclyde MPhil-PhD Symposium (2016).
  10. ‘Best Talk’ Prize at the WestCHEM Organic Chemistry Symposium, Glasgow (2016).
  11. UCL Franz Sondheimer Prize (2013): “For the most outstanding performance in Organic Chemistry at University College London”.
  12. UCL Mathematical and Physical Sciences Dean’s List (2013): “Being included in the Dean’s List is an honour given only to a few students each year. It’s purpose is to commend those who have excelled in their chosen field of study”. (Top 5% graduates)
  13. Gold British Science Association (BA) Crest Award (2008) awarded to my Nuffield Science Bursary project entitled: “Investigation of performance of pipettes within quality control with solutions of different viscosities”. (http://www.britishscienceassociation.org/crest-awards)

主な業績/Recent Publications

  1. Selective, Scalable Synthesis of C60-Fullerene/Indene Monoadducts Using a Microwave Flow Applicator, J. P. Barham, S. Tanaka, E. Koyama, N. Ohneda, T. Okamoto, H. Odajima, J. Sugiyama, Y. Norikane, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 83 (8), 4348-4354 (Leading author, Journal impact factor = 4.8, 弊社フロー型マイクロ波合成装置を用いた研究成果1)
  2. Contra-thermodynamic Hydrogen Atom Abstraction in the Selective C-H Functionalization of Trialkylamine N-CH3 Groups, J. P. Barham, M. P. John, J. A. Murphy*, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 15482-15487 (Leading author, Journal impact factor = 13.9, 6 citations)
  3. KOtBu: A Privileged Reagent for Electron Transfer Reactions? J. P. Barham, G. Coulthard, K. J. Emery, E. Doni, F. Cumine, G. Nocera, M. P. John, L. E. A. Berlouis, T. McGuire, T. Tuttle,* J. A. Murphy*, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 7402-7410 (Leading author, Journal impact factor = 13.9, 46 citations)
  4. Double Deprotonation of Pyridinols Generates Potent Organic Electron Donor Initiators for Haloarene-Arene Coupling, J. P. Barham, G. Coulthard, R. G. Kane, N. Delgado, M. P. John, J. A. Murphy*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 4492-4496 (Leading author, Journal impact factor = 12.0, 24 citations)
  5. Asymmetric Intramolecular Conjugate Addition Nitro-Mannich Route to cis-2-Aryl-3-nitrotetrahydroquinolines, J. C. Anderson*, J. P. Barham, C. D. Rundell, Organic Letters 2015, 17, 4090 (Journal impact factor = 6.6, 7 citations)
  6. One-pot functionalisation of N-substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines by photooxidation and tunable organometallic trapping of iminium intermediates, J. P. Barham, M. P. John*, J. A. Murphy*, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 10, 2981 (Leading author, Journal impact factor = 2.8, 7 citations)